Four New Babies

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The household grew this weekend. We found out a week ago that the black feral mama had kittens under the house. (Discovered when we – and by we, I mean my spouse – had to go underneath to check on some electrical problems). They saw a little white Siamese/Himalayan type kitten with at least one or two black ones, but couldn’t reach the kittens. And the angry, hissing, howling mama behind the kittens put off getting closer.

We thought Mama moved the kittens after the discovery, because for the next week we didn’t see Mama in the back yard anymore.

Until Saturday night when I let the dogs out back and heard a commotion. Three little kittens were crouched between a tree and the back of the house, fuzzed up and spitting when they saw the two big dogs sniffing and getting curious. I grabbed the dogs and got them inside (although they’re around cats all day and are fine). When I came back I grabbed the two little black ones. Little spitfires they were! I have puncture wounds all over both hands that let me know exactly what they thought of me grabbing them. One ended up escaping, and then I snatched up the little white one.

Two new kittens for the family. Midnight and Tanner. But we knew one was still out there, so we kept our eyes open and kept searching the car port where he’d run to when he escaped my clutches.

Monday afternoon we got the little guy. We named him Charcoal, but I really think he should be called Flash. He’s quick. He eluded us several times before we finally got him. But imagine our surprise, when we finally got him, there was another little Siamese/Himalayan out there with him. She’s the only little girl in the bunch, now named Luna Belle.

The bigger cats inside…they’re all…eh, more kittens. Except for the six Thanksgiving weekend babies. They’re excited to have some little ones to check out.

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6 thoughts on “Four New Babies

    1. Oh yes. It’s broken my heart. Mama has been going around the house calling and calling for her kittens. When I hear her my heart aches. But I know its best for the kittens. The ones we haven’t been able to catch, they just gradually disappear.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. They weren’t nearly as happy this afternoon when they got another bath for fleas lol But they forgave us after we dried them off and gave them some warm formula and softened kitty food.


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